Thursday, November 30, 2017

Room 5 Fun


SNAG (starting new at golf)

This week our focus was on rolling

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Handwriting of a different kind!

On Thursday, Room 5 used shaving foam to practise forming the letter 's'. It was a lot of fun and we did do gorgeous handwriting!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Room 5's Special Guests

Thanks to Alisa for bringing in her two cute guinea pigs. They were so calm that everyone was able to enjoy a pat.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

3D Shape building

Room 5 worked with a buddy to construct some 3D shapes using straws and modelling clay.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Fraction Exploration

Today, the children had to work in a pair to complete a range of fraction activities.

Charlotte and Lucy are finding a fraction of their piece of wool

Jamie and Emily are fraction farming

Loki and Harley are finding a fraction of a set

Holly and Janey run half way around the court and back

Jacques and Keegan find equivalent fractions with the magnetic fractions

 Lilya has found a quarter of 16 is 4

Janey and Holly play a fraction board game

Fraction farming - sharing the animals out equally

Kai, Chloe and Grace are viewing a fraction story on the chromebook

Keegan and Jacques are measuring 1/2 cup of water

Sawyer and Jimi are playing a fraction game that involves adding fractions

Loki and Harley are viewing a fraction story on the computer

Alisa and Lukas are finding ways to show 1/2 of 12 

using the multilink blocks

How exciting! 

The Family treasures exhibition starts on Saturday at the Arrowtown Museum.